Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Reading from A-Z

One of my favorite places in all of the booming metropolis that is Reidsville, North Carolina is the public library. I love the hushed voices, the faces transfixed at the computer screens and of course, the stacks and stacks of books. I was in the library just days before the end of the year, trying to decide what to check out. I had one book in hand, another Kathy Reichs novel, but I wasn't sure what else I wanted. I was wandering down aisle after aisle when I ended up at the very first fiction aisle. It was just a little stack, about 1/3 the size of the other rows. I was in the A's. That's when it hit me.

I'm not one to make New Year's resolutions, but I decided to make a New Year's project. While looking at about 100 books from authors who had last names starting with an A, I decided to read my way through the alphabet.

I looked at this smaller selection of books and found something comfortable to me: a spy novel. I thought this would be a good place to start. I wasn't jumping in in a crazy way, but I was jumping in.

During 2010, I plan to read one book from an author from every letter of the alphabet. I know some of the letters won't be easy. I don't plan to keep things easy on myself. I will branch out. I won't just read fiction and when I do read fiction, it won't all be spy novels, but I will read some because I just love them.

If you're reading this blog, I invite you to join me. Go to your library, maybe it's been a while. Get a new card, if you need one. They are one of the few things in life that remain free. Check out a book or 2 or 3. Challenge yourself to read outside your comfort zone. Challenge yourself to read!

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