Monday, May 10, 2010

K is for Kallos

I can't believe it's May already and I can't believe that I'm already up to K in my trek through the alphabet. I was surprised at the great selection of K books. As I looked through the titles, one jumped out at me, "Broken For You" by Stephanie Kallos. When we take communion, we often hear a part of I Corinthians 11:24, "And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me." While the novel has nothing to do with that scripture, I'm so thrilled that the title was strong enough to draw me in.

This is another first novel by an author. "Broken for You" took Kallos seven years to write. She truly put her life and heart and soul into this work. It is beautifully written and deeply moving. The novel brings to the reader those "what would you do if" questions that can bring better understanding of ourselves. At the heart of the story are two women, 76-year-old Margaret and 34-year-old Wanda. Margaret has just learned she has a brain tumor and must decide whether she wants treatment or not and if not, how to live what's left of her life. Wanda has just moved across the country following a man who left her. Their lives intersect through a roommate wanted ad. As Margaret tears down long-standing walls to free herself to live and die, Wanda puts together small pieces of glass to make art and build bridges.

"Broken for You" deals with the guilt one woman feels because of the sins of her father and the loss another feels over the desertion of hers. A wonderful cast of characters join Margaret and Wanda as they break china, drink champagne and learn to love themselves and others again. While Margaret and Wanda are the stars of this novel, don't overlook the charm of Wanda's handsome assistant Troy, the charming Scot Gus, the fantastic chef Bruce and Margaret's nurse Susan. They all bring their own personalities and stories to Margaret's house. There is also the side story of M.J. Striker and Holocaust survivor Irma Kosminsky. The story of M.J. and Irma is ever so important while it's soft, warm and funny.

Stephanie Kallos put seven long years into writing this novel and I took my time reading it. "Broken for You" is a beautifully written, deeply touching story. It's a wonderful read. I recommend "Broken for You" to all who have loved and lost, all who are facing tough decisions in life, all who want to laugh and cry and feel. Read "Broken for You" and go break a plate! You'll get that when you read it.

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